On a trip for peace to Tbilisi (Georgia) at the end of September 24, the focus for the small group of eight people was on revitalizing the ether sphere for balance in the country and the surrounding countries. Yoga postures (āsana) performed with high awareness create both an art and an animated ether sphere, which can then have a peace-promoting effect. The enlivenment of the ether sphere immediately creates a force that is then available to the land and the people there. It is worth mentioning that at the time of Heinz Grill’s peace trip and in the days immediately afterwards, reconciliation efforts were taking place between Georgia, Abkhazia, Ossetia and Russia.
In Georgia, different āsana were performed daily. A very high level of awareness and astonishing dynamism could be observed, for example, when Heinz Grill performed the wheel, cakrāsana.

The wheel from above requires more awareness in guiding the movement than when performing the same position from the ground.

Building and maintaining the dynamic from the legs up into the second and then into the third energy center is a demanding conscious activity. Finally, this stable base can then loosen the curve in the upper body and receive a shaping.

Completing the position in such a way that hands and feet touch and therefore forming a circular shape corresponding to the wheel, requires a high degree of awareness.