Heinz Grill wrote the poem “si è congedato” in memory of Renzo Zamboni, a mountaineer who had an unexpected accident on easy descent more than fifteen years ago.

He said goodbye,
without leaving a new address,
his voice is silent for the world.
No one knows the last thoughts of his friendly nature.
We sense:
He gives a new form to our lives,
with a voice immersed in deep subtle feelings.
And he has become what he gave for others,

and not what he enjoyed in the world only for himself.

This wonderful poem describes the secret of how the deceased continue to work after death. The following musical setting of the poetry, sung by Lisa Quispe, is dedicated to five people who unfortunately died, some of whom died far too early. They become part of our lives through subtle feelings and we can allow them to participate by including them in our activities.

Heinz Grill researched the forms left behind by the deceased:

Giuliano Stenghel stands for the lightful

Lothar Löprich encourages people to express the characteristics of Jupiter

Brigitte Krammer promotes the Venusian

Katharina Reiter promotes the ability to perceive

Murat Örs supports the care

In the book “The signatures of the planets and soul-spiritual development in pedagogy” by Heinz Grill aspects of Venus (p.75) and Jupiter (p.143) are described in more detail.